Billy Blanks®
Tae Bo® Creator
TAE BO® stands for:
T - Take
A - Action
E - Execute
B - Believe
O - Overcome
why get Tae Bo® Certified?
As a Certified Tae Bo® Nation Instructor, you will join an elite group of people who have been chosen by
Billy Blanks® himself to represent the workout that revolutionized the fitness industry - the original cardio kickboxing workout, Tae Bo® Fitness. Tae Bo® has often been imitated, but will never be duplicated. Billy takes the time to teach his craft, to impart his years of experience and to give his heart and soul to each aspiring instructor. Training with Billy Blanks® gives you the opportunity to learn his art, as well as see how he, and Tae Bo® fitness evolve to continue helping people in the ways they need it the most, mentally and physically!
Billy Blanks® is the creator of Tae Bo® Fitness - and his program is the ONLY authorized program in the world that can grant the Tae Bo® Nation Certification. Only authorized, certified instructors can teach Tae Bo® Fitness Classes as well as use the Tae Bo® Trademark.